Voices of Inclusion: Pioneering the Fusion of Dubbing and Audio Description
Audio description and dubbing share a common mission: to make the magic of audiovisual content accessible to communities that would otherwise miss out.
Congratulations Conchita, Blind Educator of the Year!
We are thrilled to share that Dr. Conchita Hernández, a member of our advisory board, has been honored with the prestigious Blind Educator of the Year Award by the National Organization of Blind Educators, a division of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB).
Audio Description Certification Draft Open for Comments
The Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals (ACVREP) and the Audio Description Specialist Subject Matter Expert (SME) Committee have prepared the Certified Audio Description Specialist (CAUDES) certification criteria draft.
Dicapta's Accessible Narration Training: Empowering Visually Impaired Narrators
Dicapta recently hosted a pioneering training session in audio description narration, catering to six participants with visual disabilities. Using the accessible narration module of our proprietary audio description platform, the session aimed to empower participants and enhance their professional skills.
Unseen will be released on POV with accessibility features
The film unseen will be released by POV on March 18th, and Dicata is honored to have provided the Spanish audio description for the film, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, project H327C210001.
FCC Disability Advisory Committee presents recommendations related to audio description
The Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) voted on recommendations related to the distribution of audio description of already described programming.
Dicapta and Descolonizarte Teatro Forge Partnership to Boost Accessibility the Art's Scene
Dicapta and Desconolizarte Teatro are ready to take on a whole new challenge.
Dicapta and Descolonizarte TEATRO Announce Groundbreaking Partnership to Enhance Accessibility in Orlando Arts Scene
Launch event will be held on January 31 to kick off the partnership with the screening of Academy Award Nominated film Feeling Through.
La estrella de Audiodescripción del mes es para: Beto y Enrique - Plaza Sésamo
Este mes, ¡estamos emocionados de compartir una de nuestras audiodescripciones destacadas! En este fragmento de "Las Grandes Aventuras de Beto y Enrique" de Plaza Sésamo, los dos amigos sueñan que son cavernícolas y construyen una casa para su dinosaurio mascota, Manchas. A lo largo del proceso, resuelven problemas y descubren, sin querer, herramientas que aún se usan hoy en día. Crear esta audiodescripción presentó desafíos únicos, pero también mostró cómo los mismos personajes narran gran parte de la acción, ¡casi como una audiodescripción integrada!