Dicapta logo with the tagline - Accessible Communication Developers.

Dicapta at the I Am Peace Festival


This month, the I am Peace Short Film Forum will be celebrated in Tunja, Colombia. The event, which will last from October 3rd to October 7th, seeks to promote actions related to the construction of Culture(s) of Peace in accordance with UN Resolution A - 53/243.

The event will highlight critical activism, youth voice, innovative solutions, and creative social partnerships to make change happen.

Besides the important social message behind the Film Forum, it also represents an opportunity for more accessible content. All the films to be shown during the event will go to the Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) and thus will be available in their vast library of Spanish-language content.

Audio description and captions for the films are created by Dicapta and sponsored by the US Department of Education under project H327C210001, "Improved Access to Video for Students with Sensory Impairments through Emerging Technology - EnhAccess."