Dicapta logo with the tagline - Accessible Communication Developers.

Dicapta Receives Resources for Technology Innovation


Girl and a woman look a laptop screen

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, through the Administration for Community Living (ACL), has given Dicapta resources for the first stage of its project “Digital Aided Descriptions (DAD): An application to encourage learning through creativity and dialogue.”

The project’s objective is to offer students with visual impairments a new tool to enhance their community living and their participation in an educational setting. The children will have access to visual images through added description, while improving their literacy skills in a collaborative process with their sighted peers.

We will have the help of Educational Vision Services (EVS) which will assist us in performing feasibility and usability testing of our tool. EVS is an organization within the New York City Department of Education that serves children living in New York City who are blind or visually impaired and are between 5 and 21 years of age. In addition to EVS, we will have the incomparable support of a consulting and development group that will help us to develop a functional prototype within 6 months.

We want to thank everybody who cooperated to fine-tune our project’s proposal and to ACL for trusting Dicapta as an innovator that brings equal and accessible life conditions to students with sensory disabilities.

We will keep you informed on the progress of the DAD Project.