Dicapta logo with the tagline - Accessible Communication Developers.

Text: Dicapta. Disabilities Collaborative Organization, Bringing access Through the Power of Technology for All. Background image: A family watches TV and laughs.

Six hands hold a word balloon that says accessible


Years of



By developing accessible communications for everyone regardless of their abilities, Dicapta focuses on making sure that media, entertainment, and culture are widely available and accessible for people with sensory disabilities, as well as for Latinos living in the U.S.




4000+ Hours


Emerging Technologies





Our Exceptional Work





Media Services


Why Choose Dicapta ?

I enjoy watching movies dubbed to my language because I can understand them better than in the original language.

Ariana Mariño,
8 years-old girl


Our Collaborators

We work together respecting our diverse cultural backgrounds, opinions, and beliefs, with the common goal of leading the efforts for an inclusive world.


Sergio Carrasquilla


Juanita Rodriguez


Carol Colmenares


Alfonso Florez



Our Latest Newsletters


Television Partners

We are fortunate to have partnerships with organizations firmly committed to accessibility, like Canal 22 Internacional, Crawford Entertainment, D’Ocon Films, Fred Rogers Productions, HITN, I am Peace Short Film Forum, Kentucky Educational Television (KET), Mickela Mallozzi, New Day Films, Passport to Knowledge, POV, Semillitas, Superfest, and WIPR. They do not skimp on their efforts to support initiatives that provide access to audiences with sensory disabilities. Our work would not be possible without their generosity and receptiveness to accessibility initiatives. In the name of children with sensory disabilities, we want to thank our partners for helping us to provide equal access. Thank you for being so committed!

Benefits of being Our Partner include:

  • Making your content accessible for good to children with sensory disabilities- by giving us permission to caption and audio describe your educational content.
  • Being recognized through our network: consumer organizations, policymakers, and government organizations, due to your efforts in diversity and inclusion.
  • Additional benefits include distributing your accessible content in the school system through The Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) and storing your accessibility assets in the Clearinghouse "All4Access." See our TV & Movie Access section for additional information.

Our Partners in Accessibility

Our partners are helping us spread the word about sensory disabilities issues, campaigning to promote accessible content, publicizing the use of All4Access, and creating awareness among the general population. Follow our YouTube Channel, subscribe to our Newsletter, and visit our Resources section for updated information on our TV partners' recent activity.

Above the All4Access logo, pink and blue ropes bound together.


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